The Book of Ecclesiastes was written to explore the meaning of life and the futility of worldly pursuits apart from God. Ecclesiastes reflects on the fleeting nature of human achievements and pleasures, emphasising that everything "under the sun" is vanity when disconnected from eternal purpose.

The Book of Ecclesiastes highlights the importance of submitting to God, fearing Him, and keeping His commandments as the ultimate source of fulfillment and meaning in life. By reading Ecclesiastes, we are reminded of God's sovereignty, the limitations of human wisdom, and the joy of living with an eternal perspective.

Join us in this study of Ecclesiastes to be challenged, inspired, and refocused on a life wholly surrendered to God.


My Redeemer Lives will enable us to continue seeing the truth concerning our Risen Master, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Redeeming Work, so we can see the truth more clearly and love Him more dearly.

Christ who lives and was dead and now alive for ever more as the risen Redeemer, and enthroned God-Man, is a living dynamic, the redeeming Revelation of God, and our only hope for the lost man. 

Come ready to explore the redeeming work of Christ, our eternal hope and the living revelation of God’s love for us all.


40 Days of Purpose is designed to help you discover the five biblical purposes for your life: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Mission. Together, we will dive deep into understanding God's plan for each of us, strengthen our faith, and build a stronger community in Christ. 

Come ready to grow spiritually and be equipped to live out God’s purpose with passion and direction!


The Book of Acts was written providing  the history of the early church in its fulfilment of the Great Commission. Acts records the Apostles as Christ’s witnesses  in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the surrounding world. The Book of Acts sheds light on the gift of the Holy Spirit, who empowers, guides, teaches, and serves as our Counsellor. 

By reading the Book of Acts we are enlightened and encouraged by the power of the Gospel as it spread throughout the world and transformed lives. 

Join us in this Campaign study of Acts that we may be encouraged and changed from the fruits of Evangelism. 


Life Redefined examines 8 biblical fundamentals for effective biblical discipleship.

In order to build a solid biblical foundation, we need to examine the foundation of the Word of God as the most necessary foundation of all when we seek to build depth in our lives. Building a deep and lasting foundation is a non-negotiable if we desire to know God.

Let’s examine our core Christian beliefs and build on biblical fundaments for effective bliblical discipleship.


This is a letter by Paul to the followers of Christ Jesus in Philippi. A letter which speaks of the thanksgiving in God’s mission unfolding, a call to advance the Gospel, the importance of Christian humility and knowing Christ.

A letter that produces joy in us by showing us how to grow in holiness. This letter teaches us much about how to live the Christian life.

Let’s study and listen to the teachings given in Philippians, that we may learn what it means to live in Christ.


This is a letter by Paul to Timothy, inspired by God for our learning.

A letter that will give us deep insight into God’s calling for Christian mission to the nations

A letter that will reveal God’s plan and purpose-directed life of taking the Gospel to others, being a disciple of Jesus to be engaged in the mission of Christ.

Let’s study and listen to Paul’s advice and instructions in framing our own lives as missionaries in this journey, as we seek like Timothy, to guard the Gospel.


Transforming the inner world always starts with a God encounter

We must allow God to till the soil of our hearts to become fertile so His word can take root in our inner being. As we align to God, our perspectives and behaviours will change.

We start walking with Him, and working with Him.

Walk with us on this journey on how we can transform our inner world to become more like Christ


The call of Jesus is “go and make disciples of all the nations”. The great challenge is..

What kind of disciples?

Discipleship is not just about regimentation. It is a redemptive journey to move from our self-efforts to the finished work that is in Christ. 

The countdown to re-examining the true essentials of Jesus’ discipleship begins…

Discover what true discipleship in Jesus means today.


We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen nation. Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity, we’re ushered into a new reality. 

One that is sure, powerful, and life-changing.

Alongside our weekly Sunday service preachings, we encourage you to watch the corresponding episode allocated within The Chosen watch series, as this will bring to life some insightful perspectives on our study.

We have hope no matter our circumstances.

We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.

We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

Let’s embark on this journey of The Chosen together, as we learn about the blessings available to us, as His Chosen people.


It happens all the time.

People who start out well as Christians can end up light-years from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They may still talk about Jesus, but their focus has shifted from the fundamental truths of who He is and what He has done. 

Only if we are convinced of the true nature of Christ, and certain that He alone is all we need to grow, will we mature into confident Christians. 

Join us in this Campaign study of Colossians as we find the way to achieve true Christrian growth into confidence and fruitfulness.


We live in an age of uncertainty…

About ourselves, about the truths of the Christian Faith and about the future. At a time when the first-century Church was invaded by false teachers, the Apostle John knew that Christians who are not sure of God’s truth can wander away, never to return. 

If then, why not today

We all urgently need to hear and obey God’s loving message in this letter of John’s. 

Join us in this Campaign study of 1 John as we learn the real truth of the Christian Faith.


What does it mean to be Chosen? 

Being chosen by Jesus has beautiful and far-reaching implications—although it says even more about the Chooser, than the one being Chosen

We are loved because He is love. We are saved because He is merciful. We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen nation.

Alongside our weekly Sunday service preachings, we encourage you to watch the corresponding episode allocated within The Chosen watch series, as this will bring to life some insightful perspectives on our study.

Let’s embark on this journey of The Chosen together, as we unpack Jesus’ life through the lens of those who met Him, and encountered Him.